Date: 31 Aug – 2 Sep, 2015
Venue: Suzuki Umetaro Hall, RIKEN, Wako
Important days
- 10 Aug 2015 – Deadline of Registration
- 31 Aug – 2 Sep 2015 – Workshop
Time Table
9:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:05 Opening Address
10:00-12:30 Morning Session
10:05-10:40 (30+5) (30+5) Masanori Ohno (Hiroshima U.) Fermi & GRB
10:45-11:10 (20+5) “Motoko Serino (RIKEN) MAXI Mission
11:15-11:50 (30+5) Kawabata Koji (Hiroshima U.) Optical and NIR observation of GRB afterglows
11:55-12:20 (20+5) Hirotaka Ito (RIKEN) Photospheric emission from GRB jets
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Afternoon Session 1
14:00-14:25 (20+5) Don Warren (RIKEN) Efficient Shock Acceleration of Ions & Electrons in the Afterglow Phase of GRBs
14:30-15:05 (30+5) Magnus Axelsson (TMU): Photospheric emission & SPHiNX
15:10-15:25 (12+3) Yasuaki Kagawa (Kanazawa U.) Systematical analyses of extended emissions
15:25-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:40 Afternoon Session 2
15:50-16:05 (12+3) Akihiro Suzuki (Kyoto U.) Successful/failed GRB jets and explosive nucleosynthesis
16:05-16:20 (12+3) Yukari Ohtani (RESCEU) Radiative transfer calculations of ultra-relativistic shock breakout in circumstellar medium
16:20-16:35 (12+3) Tatsuya Sawano (Kanazawa U.) Development of Silicon-based X-ray Transient Monitor onto a Microsatellite
16:35-17:00 (20+5) Tomohide Wada (RIKEN) Global MHD simulation for asymmetric magnetic reconnection
17:05-17:30 (20+5) Yuto Teraki (RIKEN) Particle acceleration in superluminal strong Waves Plasmas
9:00-10:35 Morning Session 1
9:00- 9:25 (20+5) Maria Dainotti (Stanford Univ.) GRB cosmology
9:30- 9:55 (20+5) Daisuke Yonetoku (Kanazawa U.) High-z Gamma-ray bursts for Unraveling the Dark Ages Mission (HiZ-GUNDAM)
10:00-10:35 (30+5) Tomonori Totani (U. Tokyo) GRBs as a Reionization Probe
10:35-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-12:25 Morning Session 2
11:10-11:45 (30+5) Miguel Aloy (U. Valencia) GRB Jets
11:50-12:25 (30+5) Kenji Toma (Tohoku U.) GRB Polarization
12:25-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Afternoon Session 1
14:00-14:25 (20+5) Maxim Barkov (RIKEN) Close binary progenitors of gamma-ray bursts and hypernovae
14:30-14:45 (12+3) Matsumoto Tatsuya (Kyoto U.) Can direct collapse black hole launch gamma-ray bursts?
14:45-15:00 (12+3) Hamid Hamidani (U. Tokyo) How does the central engine duration influence the properties of Gamma-Ray Bursts relativistic jets
15:00-15:15 (12+3) Kazem Ardaneh (Tsukuba U.) Collisionless Weibel shocks and electron acceleration in gamma-ray bursts
15:15-15:30 (12+3) Taka Kajino (NAOJ) Solving the Coalescence Time-Scale Problem of GRB R-process in Galactic Chemo-dynamics
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:40 Afternoon Session 2
16:00-16:35 (30+5) Makoto Tashiro (Saitama U.) Future Observation of Gamma-ray Bursts and their Afterglows with ASTRO-H
16:40-16:55 (12+3) Tetsuya Hashimoto
(NAOJ) The Star Formation Rate and Metallicity of the Host Galaxy of the Dark GRB 080325 at z=1.78
16:55-17:10 (12+3) Yuu Niino (NAOJ) Complete Metallicity Measurements of Long GRB Host Galaxies at Low-Redshifts
17:10-17:40 総合討論会(in Japanese)
18:00-20:00 Banquet
9:00-10:35 Morning Session 1
9:00- 9:25 (20+5) Shinya Wanajo (RIKEN) The r-process and electromagnetic emission from neutron star mergers
9:30- 9:55 (20+5) Koutarou Kyutoku (RIKEN) Compact binary progenitors of short-hard gamma-ray bursts
10:00-10:35 (30+5) Simone Dall’Osso (University of Tubingen): Gravitational Waves from binary NS mergers
10:35-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-12:40 Morning Session 2
11:10-11:35 (20+5) Susumu Inoue (RIKEN) High-Energy Emission from GRBs: Challenges and Prospects
11:40-11:55 (12+3) Norita Kawanaka (U. Tokyo) Hyperaccretion Flow as a Central Engine of Gamma-ray Bursts
11:55-12:10 (12+3) Sara Tomita (AGU) Weible instability in anisotropically inhomogeneous
12:10-12:25 (12+3) Katsutoshi Takaki (Hiroshima U.) Optical Polarimetry of GRB Afterglows
12:25-12:40 (12+3) Yoshitaka Mizumura (Kyoto U.) Real Imaging trigger for GRBs by Electron Tracking Compton Camera with a well-fefined PSF
12:40-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Afternoon Session 1
14:00-14:35 (30+5) (Skype) Xiang-Yu Wang (Nanjin U.) High-Energy Emissions from GRBs
14:40-15:15 (30+5) Atsumasa Yoshida (AGU) CALET+GBM
15:15-15:20 Closing Remarks & Awards for Oral/Poster Presentations
Makoto Arimoto (TIT) Hard X-ray Monitor for a transient monitor mission
Bunyo Hatsukade (NAOJ) Molecular Gas Observations of the Host Galaxies of GRBs
Ayako Ishii (Tohoku U.) Preliminary Study for a Coupling of Radiative Transfer with Relativistic Hydrodynamics Computation Relevant to GRB
Miyu Masuyama (RESCEU) Numerical calculations of magnetar powered Supernova
Yoshida Kazuki (Kanazawa U.) HiZ-GUNDAMおよび超小型衛星に向けた高増幅率アナログ集積回路の開発
Sponsored by Astrophysical Big Bang Laboratory.
Cosponsored by iTHES (interdisciplinary Theoretical Science).
This meeting is a part of the RIKEN Symposium Series.