"Supernova equation of state within the variational many-body theory"
I will report on a new table of the nuclear equation of state (EOS) for core-collapse supernovae, which is constructed based on the variational many-body theory with realistic nuclear forces. As an extension of this supernova EOS, we will also discuss the effects of hyperon mixing in neutron stars and supernova cores.
Dr. Oliver Just (RIKEN ABBL)
"Matter ejection in neutron-star mergers"
Neutron-star mergers are currently considered as the most favored candidate sources for the heaviest r-process elements. In the talk I will describe the properties and ejection mechanisms of the different outflow components and I will address the limitations of state-of-the-art studies and some outstanding questions.
October 17, 2016 15:30-
Dr. Yoritaka Iwata (Tokyo Tech./Shibaura Tech.)
"Matrix element methods in nuclear physics"
Neutron-star mergers are currently considered as the most favored candidate sources for the heaviest r-process elements. In the talk I will describe the properties and ejection mechanisms of the different outflow components and I will address the limitations of state-of-the-art studies and some outstanding questions.
Dr. Koutarou Kyutoku (iTHES)
"Gravitational waves from neutron star binaries and equation of state"
As binary black hole mergers were observed by Advanced LIGO, gravitational waves from binary neutron stars and black hole-neutron stars will be detected in the near future. I review how information of nuclear-matter equations of state becomes accessible by gravitational-wave observations.
December 8, 2015 14:00-
Dr. Shin-ichiro Fujimoto (ABB/Kumamoto U.)
"Nucleosynthesis in supernova explosions of massive stars"